Unlike the first game, Dying Light 2 features an Immunity Meter, a timer that counts down whenever you step out of UV light.

Safe zones are the key to surviving at night, especially in the game’s early stages. You’ll use those trophies to level up accessories at the craftmaster. However, these convoys are an excellent way to grind Uncommon Infected Trophies since you can pick them up off dead Virals. Once you clear all the zombies, the loot inside the convoys rarely feels worth it. The only way to clear several at a time is by blowing up gas tanks, but the explosions attract swarms of Virals (special running infected that don’t like the sun). They’re swarming with infected, and you’ll end up breaking two weapons fighting all the zombies. We don’t advise wasting your time with them, as they cost more than they’re worth. While exploring, you’ll come across military convoys promising unique-tier weapons, gear, and accessories. Don’t waste time trying to figure it out, as you’ll unlock that mechanic later. Once you capture a windmill, the game prompts you to assign it to a faction.

It’s best to use the binoculars from a high vantage point, like the top of a windmill. Use them to spot windmills, GRE Zones, and other valuable places to explore later on. As you look around, the crosshairs will shrink on points of interest, eventually marking them on your map. If you’ve played Middle Earth: Shadow of War, these binoculars work similarly to the Haedir Towers (the Eye of Sauron towers). After the first few quests, Aiden gets a pair of binoculars from his new friend, Hakon.